Aniviashirt - Dallas Cowboy This Girl Loves Her Shirt
Buy this shirt: Aniviashirt - Dallas Cowboy This Girl Loves Her Shirt
I think that people who want to have high style should have a chance [without] paying haute couture prices. I’ve always believed in that, and I think, particularly for young people, I’m always preaching individuality. H&M is fast fashion and really [has] a very moderate financial layout, and therefore they’re able to try and experiment and find out who they are and what they’re comfortable with. I think it was a perfect match. No, it’s only gotten more so. I think style is in your DNA; I don’t think you can learn it. It’s there—you have to work hard to bring it out; it’s not gonna pop out by itself, but you can’t learn it. You can learn how to be very fashionably dressed and how to have a sense of fashion, but fashion and style are two entirely different things. There was an editor some time ago who said, “Fashion you can buy, but style you must possess.” Words of wisdom. [Laughs.] The girl inside it, too often overlooked. People have a way of looking in the Dallas Cowboy This Girl Loves Her Shirt moreover I love this mirror and seeing somebody else, and then [they] buy an outfit that’s very trendy and in fashion whether it suits them or not. Big, big, big, big error.
The fashion business has just come of late; I was always in home furnishing. I didn’t get into the Dallas Cowboy This Girl Loves Her Shirt moreover I love this fashion business until after I did my first costume show at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2005. And then everybody swarmed all over me. Originally, I wanted to be in fashion—I thought I’d do editorial fashion; it didn’t work out, and I went into home furnishing where I was very happy for all those years. This was a great change. I’ve never had a business plan. Things just happen.
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